If you have any specific doubts about the online management or procedure you are carrying out , you will have to contact the organization with which you were doing it. Consult the web address of the electronic headquarters of the bodies of Catalonia.

If you have an error identifying with the VÀLid consult Error reasons during identification with the VÀLid

The systems accepted by the VÀLid are explained below. The authentication process can generally be carried out with idCAT Mobile, Digital Certificates and Cl@ve. However, each public administration user of the VÀLid system can decide whether to show all systems or only some depending on the procedure (For example, only show "Digital Certificates" to consider them a more secure system for that specific procedure). If you do not see one of the systems and you have doubts about it, you will have to check with the organization with which you are doing the online management.

These are the systems classified and integrated into the VALID system:

Identification method Information on the identification method Links of interest
idCAT Mobile

It is a solution from the AOC Consortium, aimed at user authentication and electronic signature, aimed at the citizen and based on the sending of single-use passwords to their mobile phone, as an alternative to the use of digital certificates. The system offers a medium level of security in accordance with what is established by the National Security Scheme.

If the mobile idCAT is not displayed in the procedure you are carrying out , it means that for this procedure the specific administration does not accept this method.

How do I identify myself with idCAT Mobile in VÀLid?

Mobile idCAT support portal

Sign up for idCAT Mobile

Digital certificates

Users can identify themselves with any qualified certificate in accordance with Regulation 910/2014 on Identification and Trust Services.

If you are a citizen, you can request the idCAT Certificate that we offer from AOC.

How to identify myself in VÀLid with Digital Certificate?

Accepted certificates

Cl@ve It is the identity management system used by the General Administration of the State and which offers the following modalities:

  • Cl@ve PIN: Identification mechanism based on sending one-time passwords to the mobile phone.
  • Cl@ve Permanente: User and stable password for more frequent use
  • Cross-border identification eIdAS. Access to the identification mechanisms notified by the different member states of the European Union.

More information about Cl@ve

Doubts and incidents with Cl@ve

How to use Cl@ve in VÀLid?

What is the role of the AOC Consortium in the process?

The AOC Consortium provides the tools to identify you when processing electronically with the Catalan administrations: idCAT Certificat, idCAT Mòbil, e-TRAM and VÀLid, which is an application that allows you to identify yourself with different electronic media (digital certificates, mobile idCAT, cl@ve...).

Therefore, while you are processing with a Catalan administration, to identify yourself, you will go through the VÀLid page of the AOC Consortium.


However, the AOC is the provider of the electronic administration tools, but it does not manage or is the recipient of the procedure you are doing . And it is for this reason that if you have doubts or incidents relating to a procedure, you must contact the administration responsible for it.

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