The AOC is the provider of the e-government tools, but does not manage and is not the recipient of the online management you are doing. If you have doubts or incidents regarding a procedure, you must contact the administration responsible for it.

what is it

The VÀLid is a service that the AOC makes available to the Catalan public administrations in order to integrate the different digital identification systems available (idCAT Mobile, digital certificates and Cl@ve).

With this system, citizens and companies have at their disposal all the identification options to process and manage easily with the Catalan administrations.

how does it work

The Catalan administrations that use the VÀLid service (Government, councils, regional councils, provincial councils...), make available to citizens and companies the identification screen prior to the procedure or management so that they can identify themselves electronically.

Validity identification screen

On this screen you can choose between idCAT Mobile, Digital Certificate or Cl@ve to access it. Before using these mechanisms it is necessary that you have registered.

In this way, the user can prove his identity and continue his procedure or management with the administration.

Check how to identify yourself in VÀLid with the different systems:

You can also check how to register in the different systems:

It might interest you

What identification systems does the VÀLid accept?