If you have any specific doubts about the online management or procedure you are carrying out , you will have to contact the organization with which you were doing it. Consult the web address of the electronic headquarters of the bodies of Catalonia to get in touch.

VÀLid is a AOC service that aims to integrate the different digital identification systems available (idCAT Mòbil, digital certificates and Cl@ve).

The steps to follow to identify yourself with idCAT Mobile are as follows:

1. Once you have accessed the procedure from the responsible body's website , one of these two screens will appear:

Service Appearance Screens VÀLid

2. Select and indicate the identity document and the mobile phone with which you are registered in idCAT Mobile and press "Use my idCAT Mobile" or "I have idCAT Mobile, continue".

Selection of identification document and telephone

3. In a few seconds you will receive an SMS on your mobile (this code is for single use and expires after 10 minutes)

single-use code example

4. Enter the password of the received SMS in the "enter the password" or "enter the code" section and press "Verify" or "Send".

Enter password or code

5. If the procedure you are doing requires a higher level of security , in addition to the SMS code, you will be asked to indicate the expiry date of the identity document associated with your mobile idCAT.

expiry date of the identification document in case of higher level procedures.png

6. In the case of the VÀLid screen with the green buttons, if after a few minutes you have not received the code via SMS, the following warning will appear where you will have the option to receive the code by Whatsapp or voice call at the same phone number:

  • If you select the Whatsapp option, you will receive the code through this application:

sending code via Whatsapp.jpg

  • If you select the voice call option, you will receive a call with a voice message with the code from the phone number +34 677 272 957 (this is a phone that does not accept calls).

If you do not receive the Whatsapp or the call, make sure that the mobile indicated to authenticate is the one you have in your hands.

7. Once identified, you will access the procedure or online management and you can continue with the processing.

If you have doubts about the procedure you are doing, contact the responsible body.

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