If you have any specific doubts about the online management or procedure you are carrying out , you will have to contact the organization with which you were doing it. Consult the web address of the electronic headquarters of the bodies of Catalonia to get in touch.

Cl@ve is an identification system provided by the Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública, if you want to know how it works or if you have any concerns , you can visit the Cl@ve support page

VÀLid is a AOC service that aims to integrate the different digital identification systems available (idCAT Mobile, digital certificates and Cl@ve).

The Cl@ve system is a service of the Government of Spain that allows citizens to identify themselves and carry out electronic procedures with public administrations in a safe and simple way.

1. Once you have accessed the procedure from the responsible body's website, one of these two screens will appear:

Service appearance screens VÀLid.png

2.If you select the option to identify yourself through Cl@ve , you will be redirected to the main page of Cl@ve.

Identification methods Cl@ve.jpg

Inside you will find the different identification methods allowed (Cl@ve Pin, Cl@ve Permanente, etc.).

3. Once identified, you will access the procedure or online management and you can continue with the processing.

If you have doubts about the procedure you are doing , contact the responsible body.