The authentication process can generally be carried out with idCAT Mòbil, Digital Certificates and Cl@ve. However, each public administration user of the VÀLid system can decide whether to show all systems or only some depending on the procedure (For example, only show "Digital Certificates" to consider them a more secure system for that specific procedure). If you do not see one of the systems and you have doubts about it, you will have to check with the body with which you are doing the online management.

Identification is a very simple process, but there may be situations where it is not completed correctly.

Here are some of the possible reasons depending on the system you use:

Errors related to identification with the mobile idCAT

You will find a detailed description in Error reasons when using idCAT Mobile

Errors related to the digital certificate

If the system does not detect a valid electronic certificate or gives an error when trying to identify you with it, you need to make sure that:

  • You have any current qualified certificate (not expired or revoked) in accordance with Regulation 910/2014 on Identification and Trust Services. Keep in mind that the mobile idCAT is not a digital certificate. If you use idCAT Mobile, you do not have to press "Digital certificate".
  • You have the certificate properly installed on your system, or if it resides on an external device (such as a USB key or cryptographic card), the device is properly connected.
  • You have installed the corresponding root keys of the certification entity issuing your certificate. You will find them on the certificate issuer's website (If you use idCAT Certificat, you can download the root keys of the certification entity AOC ).
  • You have successfully installed, if applicable, the software associated with the certificate. You will find it on the certificate issuer's website.
  • You have correctly installed the card reader software, in case you are using a card certificate (eg DNIe). You will find it on the website of the provider of the digital certificate you use.

Once these checks are done, you need to close all open browser sessions and try to access again.

Errors related to the Cl@ve

If you have an error with this system, you can consult Cl@ve del Gobierno de España's Frequently Asked Questions .

Error once I have already identified myself correctly with idCAT Mòbil, Digital Certificate or Cl@ve

If you have been able to identify yourself correctly with one of the identification systems and you get an error in the procedure itself or online management that you are doing, you will have to contact the administration with which you are processing it because it is a error of your website or application, and not of VÀLid.